Affiliate Disclosure

At Price Alert, we are dedicated to helping you make informed and savvy shopping decisions by keeping you up to date with the best available deals and price drops. To support our efforts, we want to be transparent about how we generate revenue from our site.

Price Alert participates in various affiliate marketing programs including Amazon, which means we may get paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. However, the inclusion of these links does not influence the editorial content you find on our site. Our content is based on independent research, thorough analysis, and our commitment to high editorial standards.

While we earn commissions from these affiliations, our primary goal is to provide you with content that is helpful, accurate, and objective. The products and deals we feature are selected based on their relevance, usefulness, and appeal to our audience, regardless of any potential commission.

We appreciate your trust in us and promise to continue delivering content that empowers you to shop smarter. If you have any questions about our affiliate partnerships, please feel free to reach out to us.